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lunedì 13 aprile 2009

For english readers: Simoncini's quack

Tullio Simoncini claims that all cancers are fungal colonies. It might be worth mentioning upfront that his license to practice medicine has been withdrawn, and in 2006 he was convicted by an Italian judge for wrongful death and swindling in two cases.
He has failed to deliver any evidence or even the slightest underpinning for his heory, he expects us to believe him solely on his word.
Tullio Simoncini has never saved anyone from his cancer, he's a quack.
For all the english readers, in this blog, english versions of two of our reports on Simoncini's"therapy":

Aysha report: here

Lorna report: here

A site full of images from a pathologist to debunk Simoncini: here.
Another article on "Respectful Insolence" scientific blog: the quackery of Simoncini.

Other interesting posts can be found on the blog:

Remember: don't follow the crazy claims of this charlatan, Simoncini never healed anyone he wait for your money not for you health!

Thanks to our friends of Anax blog.

6 commenti:

  1. Genesis, io aspetto ancora un tuo articolo...dai che qualcosa di interessante la puoi scrivere...

  2. Hi folks,

    Happy to have found you!


  3. Qualcuno ha davvero paura che le verità si sappiano.

  4. Oltre a questo articolo mi sono letta anch e il dossierone.... cribbio questa NMG è la copia delle teorie di Hubbard!!!
    Trauma-->sviluppo di malattia fisica come tentativo del corpo di portare alla luce l'inconscio.
    Dianetics 2 la vendetta


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